Follow The Yellow Dirt Road
Thank you so much for your outpouring of kind and encouraging words regarding yesterday's announcement of my unexpected break from blogging. I just wanted to reiterate that I have no plans to quit blogging entirely and hope to have these technical problems fixed soon. In the meantime, I will continue to periodically post photos when I can.
If you don't want to keep popping by the farm to check for something new, I invite you to subscribe to Farmgirl Fare and/or In My Kitchen Garden via email. It only takes a minute to sign up, and the process is completely painless. Just scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar on the right side of this page, enter your email address, and click on 'Subscribe Me!' (The sign-up at In My Kitchen Garden is at the very top of the sidebar.) You will then receive each new post via email.
Thanks again for all your support. It means so very much to me.
A year of Daily Photos ago:
Winter Food For Sheep Or Giant Dog Fort?
is that sweet cary and beloved nanny bear trotting along the beaten path? oh i love them so!! smoochy smoochy, snorgle snorgle! so glad you could post a photo today!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to treasure this picture of my two favorites--Nanny Bear and Cary, and in the meantime during your vacation to enjoy life, I've signed up for the e-mail updates. Thank you so much for all your time and efforts in sharing your life with us. I know I speak for others also when I say that you have made a difference in our lives. Again, peace and love to you, your family, and "kids". Felice in Maine.
ReplyDeleteI will so miss your photos.....patience I'm sure it will all get fixed in due time and you will be back.
ReplyDeleteI understand your frustration, know that though I don't comment too often, I LOVE reading your blogs and seeing your pictures. I will keep checking and will most certainly wait. I hope that your head clears and you get your sense of living in the country back soon.
ReplyDeleteI live out in the country too (no options on cable modems here), and we have gone with a TI line.....much faster than dial up. I have also found that Blogger is a lot of times the source of some of the frustration too...my spell check hasn't been working for a while and sometimes I just can't get pictures to upload.
I hope that all remains well. I selfishly wait to read more of your farmgirl fare.
I'v been waiting with baited breath. Please share with us........
ReplyDeleteWhat IS Lady Llama's name? You can't leave without letting us know that.
We look at your blog and pictures daily - what a treat to see Cary, nanny bear and the cat house (3 cats own us, our dogs are in dog heaven)...most of all your pictures of life on a farm, all aspects, refresh us! I would LOVE to live on a farm just for the aspects you have presented: gardens, animals, vistas. You don't know how much you are appreciated. P.S. We are Foodies.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to miss you so much during your hiatus, but I can certainly understand your desire to "regroup". Until you return, I'll enjoy exploring all those links I've not had time for and any email updates (which I've signed up for). Enjoy your "leisure" and know that many of us will be thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteBoo hoo! I'm still sad!
ReplyDeleteAnd I still want to know the llama's name!
I signed up for the email updates long ago...but still I cry...
Yes, I'm being overdramatic, but I am a bit sad. I can't help it.
Thanks for the photo of Cary and Nanny Bear. A new photo for my office wall.
ReplyDeletePlease know I have enjoyed your blog and photos so much. I understand your frustration; I, too, will be waiting for your return.
ReplyDeleteI will miss you Farmgirl! I love your daily photos. Come back soon. PS Love your new fall header (I can't remember the right word) on your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou probably heard this a hundred times (I'm not going to read everyone else's comments just to see if I'm right) but in case you haven't...
ReplyDeleteGo, run, play, enjoy and breathe in deeply the yummy fall air!
I'm sure there will be plenty of cold winter days for you to spend blogging. I will miss the pictures like everyone else but I also know how time consuming it can be (sucks away the hours even with DSL).
Bring your camera everywhere and take pictures of everything, it's digital so it's ok to take a hundred crappy photos thst you'll dump later. Just enjoy your time off, we'll be here when you get back.
Hey Susan,
ReplyDeleteI see you have had tons of suggestions. I got a nasty lil bug that caused my modem (yes, nasty dialup) to log off repeatedly too. Interesting enough blogger hasn't been giving me fits -- but then I am not signed up on the new Beta version either. At any rate -- I do hope that blogging soon becomes a joy again along with getting delightful pictures to share. I know there are other options out there to make internet experiences more tolerable. We are getting DSL soon -- but that's only recently become available to us. Since you are further away from more populated areas perhaps you could look into other options. At any rate.. I do hope that you enjoy your time away from distressing blogging and find solace in a well deserved siesta.
ReplyDeleteGood luck sorting things out.
Cute as can be! As always, great photo, FG. I'm going right over to In My Kitchen Garden to sign up for e-mail updates.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Blogger is sometimes (often?) the source of frustration. I've been trying to post now for an hour and can't seem to view my blog. Grrr!
I have blogger troubles as well on occasion. I just upload with their own "upload photo" button and a lot of the time it times out (and I am on an uber-fast in-town business connection like DSL or T1).
ReplyDeleteYour blog and photos are so wonderful. And what I've really loved recently are the longer narratives of your early farm experiences. I hope hope hope you are considering a book (complete w/ recipe interstitials)! Any chance? I'd love to be able to spend a winter weekend with hot tea and your entire story. I think it would be a huge success -- not a replacement for the blog but a beautiful encapsulation of your farmlife thus far.
ReplyDeleteYou should have a "guess the llamma's name" contest to give us something to do in the mean time, haha. I say it's gotta be Dolly. A ladylike name with a sense of humor (Dally Llama, haha).
ReplyDeleteYou are worth waiting for. Go, enjoy this wonderful time of year when nature celebrates in riots of color. All of us need time to regroup, rethink and refresh. You have worked hard on your farm this summer and kept us entertained too. Give extra love pats to those critters we have come to love. I look forward to your return and new stories about all of you.
ReplyDeleteI finally found you again after weeks of searching (linked to you once from someone's blog and couldn't remember who I'd linked from). So...please don't be away too long! I went through a couple of years with my dial-up disconnecting, sometimes every 30 seconds and it drove me half crazy. I changed servers and that glitch disappeared instantly. I've only just now switched from dial-up to LITE speed and I feel as though I've landed on another planet. It would take me hours to do my blog, upload pics to flickr and leave comments on other people's blogs and photos. One thing that really helped was uploading flicr uploadr, which now sits on my desktop and it's a completely different experience posting photos there now...easier and much faster than from the flickr member page.
ReplyDeleteSorry...didn't mean to ramble on. Take care and hopefully we'll see back into the full swing of things soon.
Okay, here's how it is...
ReplyDeleteDD and DSIL went to a B & B this weekend an hour outside of Lubbock (which is not where "they" live). They live in the country. If I could underline those last three words, I would. Like they live in the sticks in a tee-tiny little town outside of Abileen. Anyway, they enjoyed a delicious dinner, evening of hiking, etc. It's really something for those who live in the "city" to experience something like that. There were even (I kid you not!) tents to camp out in. Of course the tent had beds (real beds) in them!
It's just a thought. I know that is probably not anything like what the problem/solution is...
It's just that you have a fan club, people who love you. Don't forget us. It's all about us... LOL (just teasin')
Thanks for all you do for humanity. Too bad that there aren't more like you!
Sandy (on fall break in Kansas) and Dorothy isn't here...
Hi Susan
ReplyDeleteYou have spoiled us – when I was a little girl – we waited a month between Good Housekeeping or McCall’s magazines – eager to read the newest installment by our favorite author or food columnist. And you’ve been doing this every day. You are the best of Food Network & Animal Planet at the same time.
You have inspired us – to take more chances with our lives – to write our own blogs, to cook, to grow a garden, to get animals (!) - Maybe now it is time to inspire us to slow down – take time to smell the roses instead of writing about them.
I, for one, would be glad to have a weekly written up-date, (with no pictures) if you feel up to it. Refer us back to pictures from previous blogs – they are all so great, they bear looking at more than once.
So, Farmgirl – take good care of yourself – come visit US once in a while – we’ll be here. XOX Tina
I haven't commented B4 but I have been reading well since you were a Blog of note
ReplyDeleteAll I can say Is I can understand the need for a break,
I will miss the daily photo
and the fun stories from the farm
Have fun
we'll be here when you're ready to do your thang.
ReplyDeleteenjoy life. blogging is fun, but it can't beat the real thing :0)
I'm experiencing Farmgirl Fare withdrawal right now. (sigh)
ReplyDeleteam. dying. without. daily farm photo.
ReplyDeleteneed water...or vodka...
How are the chickens, dogs, cats, llamas, Mom, Dan, sheep, chip & chip, Joe, turtle(s), and Cary?
ReplyDeleteI just love this photo!!! And the caption too! Its one of my favs that you have posted so far.
ReplyDeleteFarmgirl, enjoy your break and the time with your mom. Enjoy the beautiful fall season. I do look forward to your future posts though :)
I wish I hadn´t shown my husband your blog. He´s obsessed with it now, and wants to move to the country this second. You´re too persuasive!
ReplyDeletewas referred to your blog and i always lack the time to explore, finally today i arrive to see you are retreating... i am a country girl that had your tech same woes, we added satellite last year and its well worth the investment. its not fast like those with cable etc., but its 10x faster then dial up. think about it, it may be a good solution for you. now off to explore...
ReplyDeleteI am among many who are glad you're not giving up blogging. I have your site on my list of favorites and would hate to see you go.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you and the computer situation. I, too am in Missouri, St Louis specifically.
ReplyDeleteOur fall season in Missouri is short and fleeting so I dont blame you one bit for taking time off. It's just too pretty to sit inside on gloriously fleeting fall days!
Good luck in all that you do.