My First Glimpse Of Cary Each Morning
A year of Daily Photos ago:
At Last! Ripe Tomatoes In The Garden.
December 2015 update: Hi! For some reason I can't figure out, Blogger hasn't been letting me leave comments on my own blog (!) for the last several months, so I've been unable to respond to your comments and questions. My apologies for any inconvenience! You're always welcome to email me: farmgirlfare AT gmail DOT com.
Hi! Thanks for visiting Farmgirl Fare and taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love hearing about your experiences with my recipes. Comments on older posts are always welcome!
Please note that I moderate comments, so if I'm away from the computer it may be a while before yours appears.
I try my best to answer all questions, though sometimes it takes me a few days. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.
I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your e-visits to our farm!
I almost didn't see her little nose waiting for you to turn her loose. Such a cutie!
ReplyDeleteOk, one more photo of Cary to print out. My dogs are getting a little jealous.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there are people at work who think it is strange to have a photo of someone else's sheep hanging up in your office.
awe, at the barn gate for you...
ReplyDeleteHow cute! I too almost did not see the little nose waiting for you! Great job!
ReplyDelete"Hellooooooooo mommy! I'm ready to lay waste to the vegetable garden now."
ReplyDeleteThat girl is so friggen cute.
You mean Cary doesn't sleep in your bed???
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! As a sister farmgirl with a barn full of sheep, I can really relate to all you have been through with Cary and how sweet she is. Keep up the lovely work with the photos. Though this is the first time I have written, I look at your website almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteYou have to stop posting pictures that are so cute they make me lose my concentration, and then spend the 10 mins telling LBH all about Cary AGAIN for the 50th time. I'm trying to run a business here!!!
ReplyDelete*please don't stop posting pictures like that. Ever,ever,ever*
Sweet little lamb!
ReplyDeleteI wanna hear more about the artisan bakery you're building... Maybe I just need to do a little digging through past posts, though.
What an absolute delight....everyday is another sight, and Carey has become my love, too...
ReplyDeleteYou have inspired me to be a blogger, Susan, but I am apparently blog-logically challenged. Did you have any snags when setting yours up? Help!
ReplyDeleteYou have inspired me to be a blogger, Susan! However, I was wondering if you had any probs setting up your blog. I am apparently blog-nologically challenged. Any tips?
ReplyDeleteThat is adorable, and a great way to start the day. I love this blog and your photos are amazing
ReplyDeletetoo cute!
ReplyDeleteHi Farm Girl....just read your post about the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colo. We have a Sanctuary here by my house for big cats. Heres the linkp://www.bigcatrescue.org/big_cat_news_files/2006/TexasTigers.htm
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they know about each other? The article says the previous owner of the mentioned animals will do jail time. I hope it is a very tiny cell.(For 9 years at least) Peace
Awwwww! Look at that little nose! So cute!
ReplyDeleteHi Vickie,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if it would be too subtle--but then I knew the Cary fans would find her!
Speaking of Cary fans Yellow Dog. . . Now I thought you were in charge at work. I think that first thing tomorrow morning you need to send out a memo to your entire staff announcing that from now on all employees must hang cute photos of barnyard animals on their office walls! : )
Hi Ray,
That's too cool about your word verification. And she's very sweet--most of the time, LOL.
Hi Heather,
It's not so much "at the barn gate" as it is trying to break down the barn gate. : )
Hi Candy,
Oh FinnyKnits,
LOLOLOL! I have been saying the phrase "lay waste to the garden now" over and over in my head since I read your comment yesterday. It is hysterical--and, sadly, absolutely true!
P.S. Y'all aren't gonna believe this (well, Yellow Dog will), but I actually let her and the Nanny Bear into the garden today--but under my direct supervision. Of course Cary still laid waste to it, LOL. And yes, I took pictures of the destruction in progress.
Hi Tree,
I had always thought it was unsafe for babies to sleep in their parent's bed. You mean it's not????? Oh I can't wait to tell Joe! Oh rats. He's allergic to wool.
Hello Fellow Shepherdgirl Diane,
So glad you decided to come out from hiding in the back 40 to say hello!
Hi Cherry,
1. Don't worry. I'm sure LBH has learned to completely drown out your Cary Babble with thoughts of cricket or ham sandwiches or something. : )
2. And I think there would be some sort of e-revolt if I stopped posting pictures of Cary. Though she's gonna grow up and turn into a big, normal looking sheep soon. Maybe everyone will tire of her then.
Um, you can stop digging now. I am embarrassed to admit there haven't been any posts about the bread bakery that (really, really) is under construction. It's been very slow going, but we'll be cranking out the loaves someday! (It's going to be wholesale only--no retail location).
In the meantime, I was just thinking the other day that I need to change that bit at the top of my blog. : )
Hi Deb,
Always nice to hear from another Cary fan!
Hi Jen,
So glad I inspired you to start blogging! Of course I had a jillion problems when I started (since I knew less than nothing about all this HTML stuff). And the problems continue! But if I can learn the basics, anyone can.
What you need to do, young lady, is head right over and enroll yourself in Food Blog S'cool which was created and is run by my amazing pal Sam. This group blog has tons of information about the technical side of blogging, and any food blogger can become a member (and therefore be able to post your own questions). The archives are full of help for beginning bloggers.
So what are you waiting for? Scool is in session 24/7! : )
Hi Linda,
Well thanks so much!
Hi KoffieKitten,
It's a very good thing she is so cute (as the "lay the garden to waste" phrase pops back into my head, LOL)!
Hi 3Wishes,
Oh, that is terrible about those poor big cats in Texas. This is the problem--and the reason places like The Wild Animal Sanctuary had to be created. A big problem (not to mention all that cruelty to animals) could have been entirely prevented if that person hadn't been able/allowed to own the animals in the first place.
Hi Sunidesus,
I knew you would like this picture. : )
"lay waste to the garden"
ReplyDeleteIf I not mistaken, that is old English for "very selective weeding".
BTW ~ Glad to hear that you guys had some needed rain.
Aww, that is so darn cute! Your animal are all so awesome!